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Redux Authentication 1.4a (24th July 2008)


Firstly I just want to say thanks for this great auth lib. It's people like you that make codeigniter, the power packed jam sauce that is, even better.

As I'm relatively new to ci I'm still trying to figure out the best ways to go about certain aspects of development. After reading your code, I notice you do a few things differently. If you don't mind taking the time, an explanation as to why would be appreciated.

The first case I see is here, line 33 of redux_auth lib
$libraries = array('session','email');

foreach ($libraries as $key)

Would the below code give the same result?

$libraries = array('session','email');

Is there a particular reason for your method? does it offer you some form of extra flexibility or anything similar?

Hi Warrennz,

I don't see any mention of doing it that way in the CodeIgniter user_guide but checked the function and you are right.

However, this has changed in the next version of Redux 1.4 because it will take out the autoloading of the libraries. This is because it's easier to keep all the loading of libraries in 1 place where you know they are loaded, autoload.php

Kind Regards,
-Mathew Davies.

Ps : 1.4 is still in the works and nearly done. Thank you to the person who reported some bugs in the Google code, it's appreciated. I've been busy with clients in the last few weeks so that's the reason for a lack of updates.

[quote author="Alex." date="1215051203"]Hey this looks like a great library, was just about to start using it when I noticed a few snags / concerns!

EDIT1: Also, if the user is logged in when an admin bans them, wouldn't they still be classed as 'logged in' until their session expires?

EDIT: Ignore the stuff below, I found some posts in this thread

Please forgive me for not checking if any my comments have been raised before, but I don't have much time and 20 pages are quite time consuming to go through....

First off, the examples -
Line 11, example files/controllers/user.php
$data1['username'] = $this->redux_auth->get_username($this->session->userdata('id'));

function get_username() does not exist in the library. Without this function I personally can't see anyway to retrieve the username / other user details without querying the database myself.

Is this intended?

If it is, may I ask why there aren't any models to access the data?

Also, it might be a good idea to allow a 'default username' option / guest user so as to make it easier to handle users who aren't logged in.[/quote]

hi alex,

you can solve this issue by adding this code to the redux_auth.php library.
public function get_username($id){return $this->_get_username($this->users_table, $id);}

protected function _get_username ($users, $id)
    $i = $this->ci->db->select($users.'.username')
    ->where($users.'.id', $id)
    return $var = ($i->num_rows() > 0) ? $i->row()->username : false;

.. and i am looking forward to version 1.4 :-)


Hi, do you have an approximation of when 1.4 is going to be released? I am planning to use Redux Auth and might consider waiting for the newer version if it is soon. Thanks!

The code for 1.4 is done, a little more to do on the documentation yet.

Documentation done so far :

* License,
* Change Log,
* Credits,
* Downloading
* Installation
* Registration / Technical documentation & Tutorial
* Login & Logout / Technical documentation & Tutorial

Just need to do the forgotten password tutorial then I can release it, further tutorials will follow after the release.

-Mathew Davies.

[quote author="Popcorn" date="1216540013"]The code for 1.4 is done, a little more to do on the documentation yet.

Documentation done so far :

* License,
* Change Log,
* Credits,
* Downloading
* Installation
* Registration / Technical documentation & Tutorial
* Login & Logout / Technical documentation & Tutorial

Just need to do the forgotten password tutorial then I can release it, further tutorials will follow after the release.

-Mathew Davies.[/quote]

I can't wait what to see what you have altered since last version. I've been playing with your library for over a week now (I'm new to CI) but I want to base my final implementation of the auth system on you're most recent version.
I love this library.
Btw may I ask why you have not used a Model?

Thanks a lot for creating this.

there's any news?
i'm waiting for your new release =)... i can't wait anymoreeee =P

Hey Guys.

1.4 released Smile

All the details you need are in the user guide directory. Launch index.html to view the guide.

I'm now going to get some well earned rest! Big Grin

Kind Regards,

Oooooh I'm so happy =)

yea!!! thanks!!
i'm intalling now!!

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