delete_files() not working correctly in CI3 |
This call is not working correctly. I'd like to delete uploads/richb2-gmail-com/ and all its subdirs. This my structure
uploads/richb2-gmail-com/thumbnails $szBucket_name = str_replace(array("@", "."), "-", $_SESSION['userid']); $ouputDirectory = '/app/assets/uploads/'.$szBucket_name.'/'; delete_files($ouputDirectory,TRUE); << $outputDirectory is /app/assets/uploads/richb201-gmail-com/ But when this runs it only deletes the following dir and it's files. It skips deleting /richb201-gmail-com /app/assets/uploads/richb201-gmail-com/thumbnails
proof that an old dog can learn new tricks
[quote pid="389060" dateline="1627916219"]
i use to for ci3 ,4 PHP Code: <?php namespace Modules\Common\Libraries; [/quote]
Enlightenment Is Freedom
Delete ALL Files and Subfolders from Folder in PHP
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
Thanks. I got that working now. My only problem is if the user exits the window by using X, my delete code doesn't run. Is there anyway to catch that a user is exiting via X ?
proof that an old dog can learn new tricks
How to capture the browser window close event?
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
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