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IgnitedRecord 1.0 pre-release

At your first quesion: IR doesn't support multi-fk-relations natively, but by adding a WHERE (as you said) you can fix it:
$this->select('COUNT(comments.id) AS `comment_count`', false); // don't forget the false
$this->join_related('comments', true);
$this->where('area', 'blog');
Your second question: What are you trying to do? delete_all() deletes all records in the table, therefore the method is placed in the model. delete() is the method you call to delete a record.
(Cascades should preferably be configured in the database, but IR has the cascade_on_delete option for all has* relations (just set the key cascade_on_delete to true on one of the relation properties)).

[eluser]Jonas G[/eluser]
Thanks for the reply.

I must have misunderstood then - I though delete_all() would eg. delete my blog entry and all the related comments. But now I understand.

Cascades I have never heard of, but I will read up on that. Thanks again.

Hey, this may have been answered before but I have a question about generating forms.

I have 3 form fields.

Username, Email and Password.

I want, by default for the password field to be blank. (Currently it fills with the sha1 key Smile)

Then, if the password field is empty I do not want the field to be updated.

This is where I am little confused.

Where do I start on this? This is what I have.

public function edit($id)
        $user = $this->user->find($id);
        if ( ! $user)
            echo 'User not found';
        if ($user->validate(array('username', 'email')))
        echo $user->form();
        if ($_POST)
            $this->index(); // Buggy - Fix

class User extends IgnitedRecord
    var $act_as = array (
        'validation' => array (
            'username' => array (
                'rules' => 'required|min_length[3]',
                'desc' => 'The username'
            'email' => array (
                'rules' => 'required|email',
                'desc' => 'The E-Mail'
            'password' => array (
                'rules' => 'required|min_length[6]',
                'desc' => 'The Password'

Basically. I have 3 questions.

How do I make the password field a password field?
How do I make the password field blank?
How do I check to see if the password field has been filled and update it? (I don't want to accidently update the password and wipe it.)


For password field:
'password' = array(
    'rules' ...
    'type' => 'password'
To make it blank and only update on change (this is a bit hacky, need to fix this in a future version of the form builder):
$user = $this->user->find($id) or whatever

// this sets the password to blank in the form without telling that it has changed
$user->password = $user->__data->password = '';

    // save, use $user->is_changed('password') to see if the password is changed

Thank you very much for your input and the speedy response. Its a great bit of kit and I really enjoy working with it. Just getting to grip with the finities Smile.

Could you tell me what the '__data' part does please?


The __data array contains a copy of the data stored in the object, and it is used to determine what has been changed.
(No need to update if it hasn't been changed)

[eluser]Jonas G[/eluser]
Hi again

I'm having trouble with the find_all() function. I want to end up with this query:
SELECT DISTINCT `event_id` FROM `goals`;

If I run:
$data['events'] = $this->goal->distinct()->select('event_id')->find_all();

I get:
SELECT DISTINCT `event_id`, `goals`.*
FROM `goals`;

I can't seem to find a way to not get the goals.* included unless i use get() instead of find_all(), but that limits the results to 1. What's the correct way of going about this problem?

Well, find_all() adds `table`.* to the select, to be certain that it receives the correct data.
In your case I would create the query with either ActiveRecord or IgnitedQuery:
// add this to your model or something:
function get_event_ids()
    $q = new IgnitedQuery();
    return $q->distinct()->select('event_id')->from('goals')->get();


i was just confused as to which version I'll use. 0.2 seems to be ok for me at the moment. Does 1.0 have the validation, form generation and the "through" relationship?


[quote author="m4rw3r" date="1240622817"]Well, find_all() adds `table`.* to the select, to be certain that it receives the correct data.
In your case I would create the query with either ActiveRecord or IgnitedQuery:
// add this to your model or something:
function get_event_ids()
    $q = new IgnitedQuery();
    return $q->distinct()->select('event_id')->from('goals')->get();

My solution to this is I edited IR and defined an attribute, (will post the code later)
which when set before calling find_all() will only select specified field

$this->model_name->fetch_all_columns = false;

I believe this is before the select method is invoke in IR's find_* methods.

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