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Fckeditor in CodeIgniter 1.7.1 in 10 steps

I just figure out how to use Fckeditor as a Library in CI.

It's indeed simple but in the wiki ( http://codeigniter.com/wiki/FCKeditor/ ) it's hard to understand witch updates to do for the last CI version (1.7.1). I have seen in the forum that others have problems to understand, so I post a little step by step.

1)Download Fckeditor.
2)Extract the folder "fckeditor" in "system/plugins/"
3)Open the "fckeditor" folder and copy the file "fckeditor.php"
4)Past the file in "system/application/libraries"
5)Edit the file you just past and add this line to the top
if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
6)In the same file now change the path of the include to have something like
if ( !function_exists('version_compare') || version_compare( phpversion(), '5', '<' ) )
    include_once( 'system/plugins/fckeditor/fckeditor_php4.php' ) ;
    include_once( 'system/plugins/fckeditor/fckeditor_php5.php' ) ;
7)Open the file "system/plugins/fckeditor/fckeditor_php5.php" and add this line to the top
if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
8)Change this part of the class
class FCKeditor

    public $InstanceName ;
    public $BasePath ;
    public $Width ;
    public $Height ;
    public $ToolbarSet ;
    public $Value ;
    public $Config ;

    public function __construct( $instanceName )
        $this->InstanceName    = $instanceName ;
        $this->BasePath        = '/fckeditor/' ;
        $this->Width        = '100%' ;
        $this->Height        = '200' ;
        $this->ToolbarSet    = 'Default' ;
        $this->Value        = '' ;

        $this->Config        = array() ;
into this

class Fckeditor

    var $InstanceName ;
    var $BasePath ;
    var $Width ;
    var $Height ;
    var $ToolbarSet ;
    var $Value ;
    var $Config ;

    public function __construct( $array )
        $this->InstanceName = $array['instanceName'] ;
        $this->BasePath        = $array['BasePath'] ;
        $this->Width        = $array['Width'] ;
        $this->Height        = $array['Height'] ;
        $this->ToolbarSet    = $array['ToolbarSet'] ;
        $this->Value        = $array['Value'] ;

        $this->Config        = array() ;

8-bis) open the fckeditor_php4.php and add the same line to the top and rename the class name into "class Fckeditor"

9)In your controller you should have something like
function fckeditorform(){
   $fckeditorConfig = array(
          'instanceName' => 'content',
          'BasePath' => base_url().'system/plugins/fckeditor/',
          'ToolbarSet' => 'Basic',
          'Width' => '100%',
          'Height' => '200',
          'Value' => ''
   $this->load->library('fckeditor', $fckeditorConfig);
function fckeditorshowpost(){
        echo $this->input->post('content');
10)In your view you should have something like
echo '<h1>FckEditor</h1>';
echo form_open('yourcontroller/fckeditorshowpost');

echo $this->fckeditor->Create() ;

echo form_submit(array('value'=>'submit'));
echo form_close();

Any problem use the wiki http://codeigniter.com/wiki/FCKeditor/ to complete my post

Hope this help ! ;-)

Messages In This Thread
Fckeditor in CodeIgniter 1.7.1 in 10 steps - by El Forum - 03-04-2009, 01:00 PM
Fckeditor in CodeIgniter 1.7.1 in 10 steps - by El Forum - 03-04-2009, 01:45 PM
Fckeditor in CodeIgniter 1.7.1 in 10 steps - by El Forum - 03-04-2009, 03:34 PM
Fckeditor in CodeIgniter 1.7.1 in 10 steps - by El Forum - 03-04-2009, 04:27 PM
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Fckeditor in CodeIgniter 1.7.1 in 10 steps - by El Forum - 03-05-2009, 04:49 AM
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Fckeditor in CodeIgniter 1.7.1 in 10 steps - by El Forum - 11-08-2009, 03:28 AM

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