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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1246306689"]The point is that Yorick wants to be able to style all the modules totally differently based on the CSS. At the moment I am keeping modules CSS independant with classes such as "float-left" and "width-half". Obviously this is horrible for theme designers so we need a way for modules to be styled from themes in a modular way.

Yorick's solution takes one approach, I take another. Both have pro's and con's but essentially both are wrong and a third solution needs to be found for this.

No, you don't seem to understand what I mean. I ment that all modules would have the same layout, no matter what type of module it is. This way designers only need to style them once.

The reason I used a different Stylesheet for the modules is to keep things more organized.

I strongly suggest you to get your arse on Skype so I can explain what I mean, you don't seem to get it Wink

p.s. It seems that you are confused by the ID names, they are supposed to stay the same way as defined in the skeleton file, they won't changed based on the module. E.g <h3 id="module_title"></h3> will always have the id "module_title", whether the current module is the gallery module or the pages module.

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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS - by El Forum - 06-30-2009, 06:06 AM

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