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File upload then store in database with title and description

I read that tutorial at netuts - sme of the comments made me a bit weary of some of the methods used.

The actual ap I am making is intended to host .swf files. I am trying to build it similar to netuts file sharing app, where users have to register to use it but would have a more extensive profile - then they can upload several swf files and organise them into albums. They then are able to generate an embed code for the album similar to a youtube object embed to use the swf album on other sites etc.

When a users uploads the swf files they need to be able to give them a title and description to keep track of them when they view the album listings - otherwise the filenames (which I will hash) will make no sense and I dont want to print out a list of the swf's like thumbs because it will make the page heavy as each swf loads.

Messages In This Thread
File upload then store in database with title and description - by El Forum - 05-18-2009, 09:04 AM

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