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Need assist Filtering Comments/Returning Errors to appropriate view.

Hey CodeIgniters, I'm a little new and trying to add some filtering to the inputs of content along the lines of this CMS tutorial, but I am having some difficulty:

- Inserting filtered (xss_filter / prep_for_form) content to the database
- Returning the errors (associated with the defined $rules) in the appropriate "Comment View" ($this->validation->error_stringWink
- Obtaining the correct "Comment View" after performing an erroneous insert_comment() method.

Here is my code:
Controller: http://pastie.org/483538
Model: http://pastie.org/483540
View: http://pastie.org/483542
Comment View: http://pastie.org/483543

Any assists to point me in the right direction would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Messages In This Thread
Need assist Filtering Comments/Returning Errors to appropriate view. - by El Forum - 05-19-2009, 07:52 PM

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