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Need assist Filtering Comments/Returning Errors to appropriate view.

[quote author="bargainph" date="1242809196"]
if ($this->form_validation->run() === TRUE) {
    $this->Movie_model->insertRow('movie_comments', $data);
    redirect('movie/comments/'. $data['movie_id']);    
Try this[/quote]

That works fine when passing in valid data, but when passing invalid data, it just goes to a blank page with this header: (index.php/movie/insert_comment)

I need a way to get back to index.php/movie/comments/X after passing invalid data (X being the original comment page I was on).

Here are the errors that I was getting in the previous post after entering just a [‘comment’] and leaving [‘author’] blank (in an attempt to input invalid data: Errors.png

(Thanks for helping btw, you rock.)

Messages In This Thread
Need assist Filtering Comments/Returning Errors to appropriate view. - by El Forum - 05-19-2009, 09:52 PM

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