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Parameters to the index() method ... ?

Hello there Smile

i want to ask you a simple question ... and sorry if i have mistaken the section for this topic ...

so, the problem is:

my default controller is "home", and i put the paginatin class - and it works great ... i mean - it generates the links just perfectly, but :

for example - the link is


and in the home controller I have:

function index( $page = 0 ) {

but it doesnt open the default controller ... it shows that the page can not be found ... Sad

i tried with routing - but it doesnt pass the parameter:

$route['/(\d+)'] = "home/$1"; - doesnt work

$route[':num'] = "home"; - work, but with no parameters passed ...

can u help me please ...

Messages In This Thread
Parameters to the index() method ... ? - by El Forum - 06-02-2009, 04:00 PM
Parameters to the index() method ... ? - by El Forum - 06-02-2009, 04:02 PM
Parameters to the index() method ... ? - by El Forum - 06-03-2009, 02:47 AM

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