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Template fragment solution, how to include other templates in a template.


I wanted to post a very simple and effective way to achieve merge fragmented sections in a template, i.e including other sections in your base template.

With this way, you can reuse sections of code, I used .tpl file extensions which is same format as smarty.

Code Igniter does a great job of this, I just think it was unclear how this was done.

Here is the Controller:

class Template extends Controller{

function index()
    // content.tpl holds header,body,footer
    $header = $this->load->view('header.tpl', '', true);
    $body = $this->load->view('body.tpl', '', true);
    $footer = $this->load->view('footer.tpl', '', true);
    $content = array(
        'header' => $header,
        'body' => $body,
        'footer' => $footer
    // contents now holds all parsed html in $contents
    $contents = $this->load->view('contents.tpl', $content, true);

    $data = array(
        'contents' => $contents
    // output all contents


Here is index.php (View)


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
    &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"&gt;

    &lt;?php echo $contents;?&gt;

The rest of the files are now .tpl files which are included in the 'views' Directory, this of course is just your html broken up.

contents.tpl however includes - header.tpl, body.tpl and footer.tpl

contents.tpl looks like this:

<div id="doc4" class="yui-t2">                    
    &lt;?php echo $header;?&gt;
    &lt;?php echo $body;?&gt;
    &lt;?php echo $footer;?&gt;

Thats it, of course you can include templates and parse how you like depending on how you break up your templates. I just do

it in this way to match the template method i use.

One more thing,if you want to completely keep your PHP out of templates, you can use tags like {header} with code igniter, really you don't need smarty at all, however it is slower using tags than including the php, but i know this is sometimes needed.

I hope this helps someone out, as I've seen a few posts about this and i think this is probably the most effective way, and i don't think it breaks MVC.

many thanks

Messages In This Thread
Template fragment solution, how to include other templates in a template. - by El Forum - 06-26-2009, 01:53 AM

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