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How to sent the result of SQL query to a variable(not array)?

[quote author="jedd" date="1255919960"]You can change the model's method to return a string, rather than a result array.


function getTituloAnuncio($pid_anuncio) {
    $query = $this->db->query("SELECT
                                   atw_anuncios a
                                   a.id_anuncio = '".$pid_anuncio."'" );

    if ($query->num_rows() != 1)
        return FALSE;

    $result = $query->row_array();

    return $result['a.n_anuncio'];
    // Check if the result is a.anuncio or just anuncio -- I never bother to do
    // this kind of table rename within a query, especially for such a simple query.

Also, why is your controller making this call?
$title = $this->acomp_model->getTituloAnuncio($pid_anuncio = $this->uri->segment(3)); # Aqui

Surely you can just do this instead:
$title = $this->acomp_model->getTituloAnuncio ( $this->uri->segment(3) ); # Aqui

Note that in any case you really do want to sanitise your input here, as you're quite exposed to SQL injection. I'd suggest a check in your model, at the very least, to ensure the data passes an is_numeric() test before you use it. Alternatively use a $this->db->escape() function around the parameter. (I reckon the is_numeric test would be faster.)

Finally, your models should start with a capital letter, unless you're doing something odd. This might bite you when you change file systems / operating systems.[/quote]

It is working. Many Thanks!

I know I'am exposed to SQL injection. I will solve the problem when the website get in a more advanced phase.

Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
How to sent the result of SQL query to a variable(not array)? - by El Forum - 10-18-2009, 04:13 PM

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