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url segment

hi first keep your model clean only for database functions. get you all url segments in controller and pass to you model functions.


class Category extends Controller {

    function Category()
    function index()
        $data['title'] = "Category";
        $category = $this->uri->segment(2);
        $data['item'] = $this->Post->get_posts_by_category($category);
        $this->load->view('meta', $data);
        $this->load->view('header', $data);

function get_posts_by_category($category)
        $this->db->where('category', $category);
        $query = $this->db->get('post');
        return $query->result_array();

also debug it with echo $category in controller that you are getting proper value in you uri segment or not.

Messages In This Thread
url segment - by El Forum - 10-19-2009, 05:27 AM
url segment - by El Forum - 10-19-2009, 05:47 AM
url segment - by El Forum - 10-19-2009, 05:59 AM

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