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Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2


I've installed Ion Auth prety much "as-is" as a simple authentication layer for a web app I'm prototyping. I've noticed that there doesn't appear to be any verification of duplicate email addresses being provided in the registration process - or have I missed something? If I attempt to register a new user with an existing email address, I would expect to be notified - but I get redirected to the same login page after user creation as a successful registration, and I have to check the database to see that the new registration was not inserted - no feedback is given to the user.

Or is there? Not sure if I've broken something along the way, but I can't see any indication that the duplicate email registration attempt has failed (it doesn't overwrite the existing record, just doesn't get inserted). I couldn't find the code preventing the insert from happening - the field is not a primary key in the DB.



Messages In This Thread
Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2 - by El Forum - 05-02-2010, 01:17 AM

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