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Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2

[eluser]Bob Stein[/eluser]
Ion Auth looks great. Wish I had come across it a couple weeks ago; it would have saved me a lot of time. I'm especially impressed by how well the "groups" logic seems to have been thought out.

Maybe it's just me, but as I was playing around wiht Ion Auth, I had a really hard time figuring out something really obvious, so I thought I'd post something here just in case others have the same issue:

If you want to allow new users to register themselves with Ion Auth, you'll almost certainly want to require them to verify their registration by email. Yes, Ion Auth DOES come with an email confirmation function.

To trigger email activation in Ion Auth, just open the ion_auth.php file located in the 'application/config' folder and scroll down to line 78. There you'll find
$config['email_activation'] = false;

Change that to "true" and you're good to go.

I'm a little surprised this is set as a config option (which is why I had such a hard time finding it). It seems like the kind of thing you'd want to pass as an option through a register()-type function, so that admins can add new users without a confirmation email if necessary. Or am I missing something?

Messages In This Thread
Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2 - by El Forum - 09-12-2010, 10:54 PM

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