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Opinions on my first ignited library

[eluser]Matthew Potter[/eluser]
I'd love to hear what you all think of the following:
It's a library for creating links within the <head> of the document.

(sorry about the spaces instead of tabs but it was over 6000 characters and CI forum converts tabs to 4 spaces automatically)

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* HTML Header Links Codeigniter Library
* Description
* @license GNU General Public License  
* @author Matthew Potter
* @link  http://askmatthewpotter.com
* @email [email protected]
* @file  html_header_links
* @version 1.0
* @date  03/14/2010
* @settings: Change the default root paths for each file type
*  $this->html_header_links->css_root_path = 'path/from/root/'
*  $this->html_header_links->js_root_path = 'path/from/root/'
* @function: Add multiple files via array input
*  $this->html_header_links->add_files( array() );
*   @input:
*    Array of filenames that include both the path
*    from the root folder of the file type and
*    also the file type:
*     array(
*      'filename.ext'
*      [, 'filename.ext']
*     );
*    Array of named arrays where the array key
*    "name" is required but you may also pass "type"
*    for file type and "path" as file path from root
*    folder for the file type.
*    *If the optional keys are not defined, the name
*    value must inlcude a file extension:
*     array(
*      array( "name" => filename[.ext]*
*       [, "type" => "ext"
*       [, "path" => "path/to/file"]
*      )
*     );
*    You may also mix the input types:
*     array(
*      array( "name" => filename.ext),
*      array(
*       "name" => "filename",
*       "type" => "ext"
*      ),
*      "path/to/file/filename.ext"
*     )
*  *if path to file includes "http://" the base url and
*  default path for file type is dropped to allow for
*  external links.
* @function: Return links as string
*  $this->html_header_links->render( ['css' || 'js'] );
** Copyright (c) 2010 **/

class HTML_Header_Links {
var $css_files  = array();
var $js_files  = array();
var $css_root_path = "interface/css/";
var $js_root_path = "interface/javascript/";
var $default_links = array();
function HTML_Header_Links(){
  $CI =& get_instance();
function add_files($files){
  if(!is_array($files)) { show_error('The add_files function requires an array'); }
  foreach($files as $file){
    $file_name  = $file["name"];
    $file_type  = $file["type"];
    $file_sub_path = $file["path"];
    $extension_check = split("\.", $file_name);
    if(count($extension_check) > 1 ){
     $file_type = array_pop($extension_check);
     $file_name = implode(".", $extension_check);
    $extension_check = split("\.", $file);
    $file_type = array_pop($extension_check);
    $file_name = implode(".", $extension_check);
    $path_check = split("/", $file_name);
    $file_sub_path = "";
    if($file_type != "css" && $file_type != "js") {
     show_error('You must define a file extension in the add_files funtion. Please read the instructions for details on different methods.<br /><br /> Ref: '.$file.'');
    if(count($path_check) > 1){
     $file_name = array_pop($path_check);
     $file_sub_path = implode("/", $path_check) . "/";
   if($file_type == "css"){
    $this->add_css_file($file_name . "." . $file_type, $file_sub_path);
   if($file_type == "js"){
    $this->add_js_file($file_name . "." . $file_type, $file_sub_path);

  } // End foreach $files as $file
function add_css_file($file_name, $sub_path = ""){
   foreach($file_name as $file){
    $this->add_css_file($file, $sub_path);
   if(substr($file_name, strlen($file_name)-4) != ".css"){
    $file_name .= ".css";
   if($sub_path != ""){
    if(substr($sub_path, strlen($sub_path)-1) != "/"){
     $sub_path .= "/";
   $this->css_files[] = array(
    "filename" => $file_name,
    "sub_path" => $sub_path
function add_js_file($file_name, $sub_path = ""){
   foreach($file_name as $file){
    $this->add_js_file($file, $sub_path);
   if(substr($file_name, strlen($file_name)-3) != ".js"){
    $file_name .= ".js";
   if($sub_path != ""){
    if(substr($sub_path, strlen($sub_path)-1) != "/"){
     $sub_path .= "/";
   $this->js_files[] = array(
    "filename" => $file_name,
    "sub_path" => $sub_path
function render($return_items = "all"){
  $css_links = "";
  $js_links = "";
  if($return_items == "all" || $return_items == "css"){
   foreach($this->css_files as $css){
    $css_links .= "\t\t&lt;link type='text/css' href='" . base_url() . $this-&gt;css_root_path . $css["sub_path"] . $css["filename"] . "' rel='Stylesheet' />\n";
  if($return_items == "all" || $return_items == "js"){
   foreach($this->js_files as $js){
    if(strpos($js["sub_path"], "http://") === 0){
     $js_links .= "\t\t[removed][removed]\n";
     $js_links .= "\t\t[removed]js_root_path . $js["sub_path"] . $js["filename"] . "'>[removed]\n";
  return $css_links . $js_links;
/* End of file html_header_links.php */
/* Location: ./application/libraries/html_header_links.php */

Messages In This Thread
Opinions on my first ignited library - by El Forum - 03-14-2010, 12:41 PM
Opinions on my first ignited library - by El Forum - 03-14-2010, 01:09 PM
Opinions on my first ignited library - by El Forum - 03-14-2010, 01:17 PM
Opinions on my first ignited library - by El Forum - 03-14-2010, 01:19 PM
Opinions on my first ignited library - by El Forum - 03-14-2010, 01:24 PM
Opinions on my first ignited library - by El Forum - 03-14-2010, 01:38 PM

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