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CodeIgniter 2.0 Skeleton Generator(Source Code Generator)

Download: CI Skeleton Generator - BitBucket Repository
Version: 0.1

CodeIgniter 2.0 Skeleton Generator is a Windows Application which is able to generate specific CodeIgniter 2.0 files with a few clicks.

Keep in mind - this application is pretty stable, but is not finished. Still more features to come.


System Requirements
- Microsoft Windows(XP, Vista, 7) [tested only on Windows 7 at this moment, please confirm for Vista and XP]
- .NET Framework 3.5 or higher

How to use

Extract all files in a folder.

Open CodeIgniter Generator.exe, click Browse and search for a valid CodeIgniter 2.0(!IMPORTANT) source.

Be careful, latest CodeIgniter 2.0 has the application at the same level with "system" folder

Click "Create Controller" and choose the name of the controller(my be something like "Welcome" not "welcome").

Check "Generate Model" and "Generate Views Folder" if you need them.

Customize your templates

Edit files under "/templates" folder, BUT keep {CONTROLLER} markup.

Feature Requests

Please reply here or leave a tiket on BitBucket


* Filter controller name(!@#$%^&*()_+ must be filtered) CRITICAL
* Generate database connection
* Generate independent models
* Change config.php variables
* Extend a specific CI base Class
* Generate the .htaccess file
* Generate the entire application skeleton in any location
* Whatever is requested and looks good

Features - Current Version - 0.1 - April 15th, 2010

- Generate a Controller by name, optional generate specific Model and Views Folder

Check Wiki Section

CI Skeleton Generator - BitBucket Repository

Messages In This Thread
CodeIgniter 2.0 Skeleton Generator(Source Code Generator) - by El Forum - 04-14-2010, 03:33 PM

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