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Login System - Code Igniter just makes things excessively complex..

I tend to create a class for admin users and a class for client users inside of my MY_Controller. So I have the following.

class MY_Controller extends Controller {

    function MY_Controller () {


class Admin_Controller extends MY_Controller {

    function Admin_Controller() {


class Client_Controller extends MY_Controller {

    function Client_Controller() {


Then inside of your normal controllers extend whichever class you want to extend. So if you have a controller for admin stuff you would obviously extend the Admin_Controller, client stuff would extend the Client_Controller and other operations like some simple login pages and other controllers that don't require any verification.

Messages In This Thread
Login System - Code Igniter just makes things excessively complex.. - by El Forum - 08-14-2010, 08:12 PM

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