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Login System - Code Igniter just makes things excessively complex..

Yes - I understand the basic premise of the suggestion.

One page for example needs to display a list of a users posts, and a number of replies. The underneath it shows the top 10 posters.

So yes I can use this is_logged_in() method and then call a model which gets the users posts, and the number of replies in a long complex array. Then I have to call another model which gets the top ten posters, returns an array, then I have to add to two arrays together, send them to the view, and somehow efficiently output this complex mess of an array.

My question is.. is this the right idea. Is this what one is meant to do with CodeIgniter?
If so why is it so stupidly complex such that MVC has essentially lost its benefit.


Messages In This Thread
Login System - Code Igniter just makes things excessively complex.. - by El Forum - 08-15-2010, 06:14 AM

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