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Login System - Code Igniter just makes things excessively complex..

Many Thanks - I am getting my head around this (gradually).

WanWizard - thanks for the code. When presented like that it does seem pretty simple.

So in MY_Controller I have:


class  MY_Controller  extends  Controller  

    function MY_Controller ()  
    function is_logged_in()
        $session_id = $this->session->userdata('session_id');

        if($this->session->userdata('logged_in') == TRUE)
        return true;
        return false;


My only slight confusion is this bit:

function MY_Controller ()  

is the construct right.. (PHP 5 style) which loads all the properties of CodeIgniter?

So.. I have a function which checks log in.

Then in each of my controllers I place the following:

if ($this->is_logged_in())


$data is then passed to my header view.

That works great - of course the assumption is that I place the above in each individual controller.

On some pages however I want to output a username in the footer view or main page body view. Is there anyway of defining an array variable $user in MY_Controller which can simply be accessed in any view without anything having to be passed?

Thanks for all the help.

Messages In This Thread
Login System - Code Igniter just makes things excessively complex.. - by El Forum - 08-15-2010, 12:40 PM

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