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Modular Separation with i18n Library (internationalization)

i hope you are facing problem MY_Config and MY_Language problem with modular separation because in modular separation MY_Loader file there are two classes MX_Language and MX_Config which are extend with CI_Language and CI_Config which will not let you load i18n library config and language file there are two ways you can enable to run i18n library config and language file either extend MY_Config class with MX_Config because MX_Config is already extended with CI_Config or MX_Config with MY_Config as MY_Config is already extended with CI_Config and do the same thing for Language classes also

  class MX_Config extends MY_Config
class MY_Config extends MX_Config

for lang

class MX_Language extends MY_Language


class MY_Language extends MX_Language

im sure it will work because i have already done its. if you face any more problem just put your problem here

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Modular Separation with i18n Library (internationalization) - by El Forum - 09-28-2010, 11:20 PM

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