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Scaffolding without mod_rewrite


I'm currently developing my first CI application, and one of the limitations I'm working with is that our office is running IIS 6, and the IT guys won't let me install an IIS equivalent to apache's mod_rewrite.

So, I've got my database all set up here, and I configured CI to run in querystring mode, but now I'm wondering how the heck I trigger scaffolding?

I tried http://example.com?c=scaffolded_controller&scaffold;_trigger

where 'scaffold_trigger' is the trigger word I set in my routes.php file but nothing happened.

Is there currently anyway to trigger scaffolding when .htacces/URL rewriting is not available?


Greg J

Messages In This Thread
Scaffolding without mod_rewrite - by El Forum - 10-26-2007, 03:26 PM

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