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Jquery ajax success null response on production server

[eluser]Paul Hernández[/eluser]
Ok, after 4 days of pain I found the problem.
It seems to be simple but for me was very difficult.

The root of the problem is the PHP version of the production server (5.1.6)

The ajax method that retrieve the data to populate the tables uses the php function "json_encode". This function is available for php versions > 5.2

I'm also using the jquery template plugin, and the method "render" which render the tables uses json data format and no other.

In my case update the php version of the server is not so simple as is a third party production server, so I found a library to give json support to previous php version:

I also recommend this series of tutorials about CRUD app. CI and jquery:

Enjoy it!

Messages In This Thread
Jquery ajax success null response on production server - by El Forum - 02-15-2011, 11:49 AM
Jquery ajax success null response on production server - by El Forum - 02-18-2011, 06:51 AM

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