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Doctrine 2.0.5 will never work with CI2?

I am try to follow many tutorial about CI2+Doctrine2.. link of tutorial can got in CI forum and by google

I have doing follow with all step from all tutorial.. how does it work? I always got error while refresh page

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this message is what i am got from integrate CI2 with Doctrine 2.0.5

anyone can integrate CI2 with Doctrine 2.0.5 and get it working? I am used Apache 2.2.18, PHP 5.3.6

Messages In This Thread
Doctrine 2.0.5 will never work with CI2? - by El Forum - 06-06-2011, 03:28 PM
Doctrine 2.0.5 will never work with CI2? - by El Forum - 03-13-2012, 11:43 AM

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