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Ideal way for user information storing in cms and working with it

Hello guys,

I have been working on simple cms to make my codeigniter skills better. I have two tables in database.

First is "articles" which contains fields "id" "title" "text" "user_id"

Second is table "users" which contains fields "id" "name"

What I do is that I have simple controller which handles displaying articles and also adding articles. Users can log in using session class and add their own articles. Now what I want to do is to store their id and use it in controller which handles article displaying so I can show who is the author of that article.

So in the controller which handles adding articles I have something like

public function add_post()
  $data = array(
  'title' =>$this->input->post('title'),
                'text' =>$this->input->post('text'),
  redirect ('site');

And I need to get that user_id as well. I know how to do that by using session class. And so I will only add another field to data array so it will look something like:

$data = array(
  'title' =>$this->input->post('title'),
                'text' =>$this->input->post('text'),
                'user_id'=>  make some operations with session to get id of user who added article

But that does not solve my problem because it will save only user_id. While I need save name of the users as well. So of course I can create another field in that array call user_name and then pass it there from session again but it seems kinda like piggy approach for me. Because my thinking is that once I have that user_id stored in "articles" table I can somehow compare it with "id" from table "users" probably in model and somehow get that user_name. Does anybody know how to do that and most importantly is this the right approach?

Thank you very much

Messages In This Thread
Ideal way for user information storing in cms and working with it - by El Forum - 04-14-2012, 01:46 AM

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