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Open Source CI Framework That Allows For Reusable Components

Hey All,

I've developed an open source framework on CodeIgniter that builds pages from components, allowing developers to create more modular sites that are easier to update and maintain.

The basic idea is that instead of writing large methods in your controllers, your controllers will be lean - they'll merely define what components to load on the page and where. You then write components that are reusable across your site making updates and bug fixes a lot easier since there's much less redundant code. A more thorough discussion of concepts can be found in the documentation link below.

If you're at all interested, you can find the open source project on github: https://github.com/xjstratedgebx/CodeByrner

I'm still working on the complete documentation, but what's currently done is available here: https://github.com/xjstratedgebx/CodeByrner/wiki

If what I set out to do has been done and accomplished a 1000 times before, forgive me for throwing another project on the pile - that certainly wasn't my intent. I merely use this framework for my own projects, and thought someone else might find it useful, or use some ideas on their own.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions that I can incorporate.

Take care,
- JB

Messages In This Thread
Open Source CI Framework That Allows For Reusable Components - by El Forum - 05-21-2012, 09:41 PM

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