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Cjax 5.9 RC (CodeIgniter Ajax Framework)- Released!

(This post was last modified: 08-19-2016, 05:18 AM by phpajax.)

(08-18-2016, 05:30 PM)PaulD Wrote: Hey thanks, but no it is fine. I got it. Great work still!

No problem.

Look, this is the source for the plugin: https://github.com/ajaxboy/cjax/blob/5.9...ination.js
At around line 92, it passes the parameters, if you want to change it there is where you'd do it.
 eg:   url + '/' + page + '/' +$options.numberOfItems

then in your $options array in the your php, just add 'numberOfItems' to the list, and you are good to go...

I hope that sounds easy...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cjax 5.9 RC (CodeIgniter Ajax Framework)- Released! - by phpajax - 08-19-2016, 04:26 AM

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