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Active Record Multiple Insert

Does anyone have any idea of the performance implications of having a multi-insert query as shown above versus doing a separate query for each set of values? I would guess that the connection setup and tear down would be the most resource intensive, but with persistent connections, would the performance be negligible or still significant?

Is there anywhere we can request features be added to future versions?

Messages In This Thread
Active Record Multiple Insert - by El Forum - 02-02-2008, 11:20 AM
Active Record Multiple Insert - by El Forum - 02-02-2008, 12:08 PM
Active Record Multiple Insert - by El Forum - 02-02-2008, 01:04 PM
Active Record Multiple Insert - by El Forum - 02-02-2008, 03:55 PM
Active Record Multiple Insert - by El Forum - 02-02-2008, 03:57 PM
Active Record Multiple Insert - by El Forum - 02-02-2008, 05:21 PM
Active Record Multiple Insert - by El Forum - 02-02-2008, 05:56 PM

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