Hi all!
I use CI+Ion_Auth on a couple of sites already. Now I've been created a new one using CI 3 for the first time and the latest Ion_auth
I always create a site on my local PC and server first (LAMP, Linux Mint), then change the necessary vars and upload to host via ftp.
The problem I've seen now is "simple" - auth does not work AT ALL on web host server. You fill in the login form, press button, then the page reloads, login and pwd fields emptied, and that's all. No error messages in CI logs, server logs (ENVIRONMENT set as 'development').
All other controllers, models, helpers and views work as they have to work. No problems at all on localhost. Ion_Auth works fine here too, of course.
My localhost PHP version is 7.0.13. Old sites on host account still use 5.3 and 5.2 with older CI 2x and Ion. The new site works fine on PHP 5.6 (recommended by hoster). CI is 313.
I'd prefer to have a few errors, than this absolutely silent sabotage one
Did anybody have such? This could be a simplest mistake, I admit, but I've do the same operations on another site without any complications. All is fine there. Or this could be some PHP.ini parameter with the current v. does not work?
Need an idea what/where to search
Thank you.