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Can you help with the CI website? An invitation from the CI Foundation

Thanks everyone! Will be in touch soon but just going to give the post a little more time to collect expressions of interest.

@ignitedcms - perhaps you could be involved if only to give comments and feedback, would like to have you on the team
@InsiteFX - thank you. Was hoping you would express an interest
@website, @demyr - We are not yet ready to discuss actual designs, and this will be done in private as a working group. Thank you for your efforts though and your expression of interest. It is all very much appreciated, but we need to do this one step at a time.

Looks like we have the potential for a great team to work on this.


PS Expressions of interest is still open and everyone is welcome :-)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Can you help with the CI website? An invitation from the CI Foundation - by PaulD - 09-05-2019, 05:17 AM

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