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SEO URIs *AND* $_GET requests - /controller/function/?myvar=1

[quote author="Pygon" date="1204762232"]

My appologies -- try only: index.php/some/segment/?one=1 and you should recieve a 404 since CI_URI assumes that if count($_GET) == 1, the first key is the name of the base controller you would like to access:

// If the URL has a question mark then it's simplest to just
// build the URI string from the zero index of the $_GET array.
// This avoids having to deal with $_SERVER variables, which
// can be unreliable in some environments
if (is_array($_GET) AND count($_GET) == 1)
    $this->uri_string = key($_GET);            

However, from what you've said, and reviewing the code, I've realized that CI_URI could simply be modified.
Nice catch on the uri_protocol auto setting behavior so if you do two method overloads everything should be fine to work with the $_GET global as normal;

class MY_URI extends CI_URI

    function MY_URI()
    function _fetch_uri_string()
        if (strtoupper($this->config->item('uri_protocol')) == 'AUTO')
            // removed one get value behavior
            // Is there a PATH_INFO variable?
            // Note: some servers seem to have trouble with getenv() so we'll test it two ways        
            $path = (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] : @getenv('PATH_INFO');            
            if ($path != '' AND $path != '/' AND $path != "/".SELF)
                $this->uri_string = $path;
            // No PATH_INFO?... What about QUERY_STRING?
            $path =  (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : @getenv('QUERY_STRING');    
            if ($path != '' AND $path != '/')
                $this->uri_string = $path;
            // No QUERY_STRING?... Maybe the ORIG_PATH_INFO variable exists?
            $path = (isset($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'])) ? $_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'] : @getenv('ORIG_PATH_INFO');    
            if ($path != '' AND $path != '/' AND $path != "/".SELF)
                $this->uri_string = $path;

            // We've exhausted all our options...
            $this->uri_string = '';
            $uri = strtoupper($this->config->item('uri_protocol'));
            if ($uri == 'REQUEST_URI')
                $this->uri_string = $this->_parse_request_uri();
            $this->uri_string = (isset($_SERVER[$uri])) ? $_SERVER[$uri] : @getenv($uri);
        // If the URI contains only a slash we'll kill it
        if ($this->uri_string == '/')
            $this->uri_string = '';


class MY_Input extends CI_Input

    function MY_Input()

    function _sanitize_globals()
        // Would kind of be "wrong" to unset any of these GLOBALS
        $protected = array('_SERVER', '_GET', '_POST', '_FILES', '_REQUEST', '_SESSION', '_ENV', 'GLOBALS', 'HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA',
                            'system_folder', 'application_folder', 'BM', 'EXT', 'CFG', 'URI', 'RTR', 'OUT', 'IN');
        // Unset globals for security.
        // This is effectively the same as register_globals = off
        foreach (array($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER, $_FILES, $_ENV, (isset($_SESSION) && is_array($_SESSION)) ? $_SESSION : array()) as $global)
            if ( ! is_array($global))
                if ( ! in_array($global, $protected))
                foreach ($global as $key => $val)
                    if ( ! in_array($key, $protected))
                    if (is_array($val))
                        foreach($val as $k => $v)
                            if ( ! in_array($k, $protected))

        // Clean $_GET data
        if (is_array($_GET) AND count($_GET) > 0)
            foreach($_GET as $key => $val)
                $_GET[$this->_clean_input_keys($key)] = $this->_clean_input_data($val);
        // Clean $_POST Data
        if (is_array($_POST) AND count($_POST) > 0)
            foreach($_POST as $key => $val)
                $_POST[$this->_clean_input_keys($key)] = $this->_clean_input_data($val);
        // Clean $_COOKIE Data
        if (is_array($_COOKIE) AND count($_COOKIE) > 0)
            foreach($_COOKIE as $key => $val)
                $_COOKIE[$this->_clean_input_keys($key)] = $this->_clean_input_data($val);
        log_message('debug', "Global GET, POST and COOKIE data sanitized");


Like Pygon's solution if the $_SERVER variables get freaky the url can break.

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SEO URIs *AND* $_GET requests - /controller/function/?myvar=1 - by El Forum - 03-06-2008, 02:38 AM

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