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Pagination Mod

Thanks Mario... I was just about to embark on this in order to sort out pagination problems caused when splitting a large article into pages.

In the spirit of one good turn .... I have included snippets from my code to show how I split and page an article using this adapted pagination class.

//Check content (article) for page breaks as denoted by '[break]' tag
          $doPaging = strpos($content, '[break]');
        //if a paged article or on a given page of that article
        //$page relates to the paging uri_segment
        if ($page > 0 || $doPaging)
            // get paged content params
            $paging = $this->get_page($page, $content);
            if ($paging['content'] != '')
                //as I also page db records I have added this pagination
                //as a new library class called 'Pageit'
                //library otherwise works as nomal
                $config['base_url'] = site_url().'yourUrl/';
                $config['total_rows'] = $paging['total_pages'];
                $config['per_page'] = $paging['per_page'];
                $config['uri_segment'] = 5;

                //initialise paging
                //add content and pagination
                $content = $paging['content'].'<br /><br />';
                $content .= $this->pageit->create_links();

        Send to your template etc >>>>

And the get page function

function get_page($page, $data)
        $paging['content'] =  '';
        $paging['per_page'] = 1;
        //split body into pages then count them
        $body_pages = preg_split("/\[break\]/", $data);
        $total_pages = count($body_pages);
        //page to page total failsafe
        if (($page > $total_pages) || ($page < 1)) {
          $page = 1;
        // select page to display
        $paging['content'] = $body_pages[$page-1];
        $paging['total_pages'] = $total_pages;
        return $paging;

All fairly straightforward but the page linking went awry with the built-in pagination class.

Messages In This Thread
Pagination Mod - by El Forum - 04-04-2008, 11:08 AM
Pagination Mod - by El Forum - 04-29-2008, 04:25 AM

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