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Question about Querys

[eluser]Hermawan Haryanto[/eluser]
I have no idea what the answer will be actually coz I always use CI's Active Record since the start of my experience using CI. Why would I do that? It's simple answer tho, and yet maybe a naif one you might say. It's because CI's Active Record is giving me stability and I won't need to worry about SQL language at all when I'm changing/switching among databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL).

So, I think you should try it your self and get your feet wet a little bit here and there. Oh btw, on the CI 1.6.1, the Active Record is growing and more mature. You gotta give it a shot man.


Hermawan Haryanto

Messages In This Thread
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Question about Querys - by El Forum - 05-03-2008, 11:40 AM

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