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CI sessions trimming user agent

[eluser]Randy Casburn[/eluser]
It does seem quite arbitrary. The only conceivable reason to have that hard coded like that would be to match the table definition that is in the documentation. It specifies a lengh of 50 for the column.

If you only look at the gecko browser, you'll be happy when it's just long enough for your string. Take a look at this site:


If you have to define a length because the DB column must be fixed, which length do you pick? In other words, who do you disappoint?

I'm not trying to debate...I'm with you on this. It's hard coded...not sure it should be. What do you suggest as an alternative?


Messages In This Thread
CI sessions trimming user agent - by El Forum - 09-27-2008, 05:29 PM
CI sessions trimming user agent - by El Forum - 09-27-2008, 09:34 PM
CI sessions trimming user agent - by El Forum - 09-28-2008, 09:02 AM
CI sessions trimming user agent - by El Forum - 09-28-2008, 09:32 AM
CI sessions trimming user agent - by El Forum - 09-28-2008, 10:18 AM
CI sessions trimming user agent - by El Forum - 09-28-2008, 10:19 AM
CI sessions trimming user agent - by El Forum - 09-28-2008, 11:11 AM
CI sessions trimming user agent - by El Forum - 09-28-2008, 11:46 AM

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