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Generic list generator helper with templates (ul, ol, select box, etc.)

I know, I actually have read the User Guide. My helper function is a bit more difficult to use but so much more powerfull. Also if you had actually read my post you would have noticed this does produce valid code if you structure your array right.

The whole idea is that this can actually take an SQL resource, filesystem array or any other complex list and turn it into whatever you want with some templating options. For instance I can input a multidimensional array and turn it into a select pulldown with some added code for each level so you get an output like:
level 0
- level 1
   - level 2
   - another
- level 1

Read the wiki post before calling it redundant.

UPDATE: I updated my original post to better explain its value.

Messages In This Thread
Generic list generator helper with templates (ul, ol, select box, etc.) - by El Forum - 11-16-2008, 12:48 AM

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