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Generic list generator helper with templates (ul, ol, select box, etc.)

[quote author="Jelmer" date="1226817283"]The code and explanation are in the wiki:

If the ul(), ol() and form_dropdown() aren't powerfull enough for you, this might do the trick. Check out the wiki post for some explanation about how it works and what it can do. I will write up some more complex examples to better show its usefullness.

UPDATE november 16: I added some examples below

I wrote it just now and I'm still testing it but it already created values for Script.aculo.us inPlaceCollectionEditor, a selectbox and multiple nested lists without any problem.

What can be done better
There's a couple of things that can possibly be done a lot better, like the alternation of values which doesn't continue within/after a nested set. Within a nested set it starts from the begining and after it continues with the value the parent had.

Also, the helper will quite happily produce non-valid code if you structure your arrays wrong - bot I don't really consider that a bug. For instance array(1,2,3,array('a','b') would produce non-valid code and array(1,2,3=>array('a','b') would produce valid code (the sublist enclosed within the LI of the '3'-node).

UPDATE 11/16: Some improvements I'm thinking about
- Add arguments to the 'functions' options, so values can be passed through brackets like in the form_validation (for instance: some_method[arg1, arg2]) and maybe allow for passing the value of certain keys too (like: some_method[arg1, -key_name-])
ANOTHER UPDATE 11/16: Some bugfixes and these improvements:
- Remove any leftover tags at the end
- Replace the preg_replace() with str_replace() where possible (which is nearly everywhere, I just used preg_replace because I'm used to it, not because it's needed)

Any suggestions or improvements are welcome![/quote]

Nice contribution Jelmer. I'm going to use it in near future I think.

Good luck!

Messages In This Thread
Generic list generator helper with templates (ul, ol, select box, etc.) - by El Forum - 11-17-2008, 01:12 PM

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