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Generic list generator helper with templates (ul, ol, select box, etc.)


I'd love to do that but the thing is, I just don't have the time. I wrote this for the application I'm currently developing and made it so generic that I realised I could make it public without any changes. Also the naming might be a bit off, as it's not really about lists but more like templating multiple database entries with tree parsing capability (which is what makes it actually more usefull then a normal foreach loop).

When I have a bit more time I still want to implement arguements for external function and a select option. Also, I might do some benchmarking to see if there's any use to adding a second function which can't handle trees but only does the templating for depth 1.

Let me know your experience, I haven't looked at it since the last update of my original post and there are probably still some minor bugs in it.

Messages In This Thread
Generic list generator helper with templates (ul, ol, select box, etc.) - by El Forum - 12-05-2008, 10:06 AM

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