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jQuery Datepicker UI - Min/Max date range problems

When adding a min/max restriction to the calendar and if the range of the time is within the current month the calendar doesn't seem to handle 30/31 days correctly. If for instance I have the following code:

<input name="endDate" id="endDate" size="23" value="" class="" date:maxDate="new Date(2008, 10 - 1, 31)"/>

The actual output of this would be the max date range only allows selection of the 30th rather than the 31st. If I try this on any other month other than the calendar month we are in now it will work. Strangely enough, this also occurs for the 30th.

I thought that by adding one day to the day passed in "new Date()" would work but it simply display the 1st as well.

Messages In This Thread
jQuery Datepicker UI - Min/Max date range problems - by El Forum - 10-15-2008, 04:34 AM
jQuery Datepicker UI - Min/Max date range problems - by El Forum - 10-15-2008, 04:47 AM

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