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How can I use pagination without knowing the page segment

I'm using the pagination library. One problem I have with it is passing extra data into the links uri. Since pagination needs to know the segment that the page appears in, I can't change the amount of segments in the uri. So I have to pass longer uris like this:


instead of cleaner, smaller ones like this.


Is there a way to check for the segment using a name like page instead of a segment like 8. Also, if I need to use segments is there a way to modify the url used by pagination so that I can specify where the page segment can be added like:

"http://localhost/test/main/index/page/" . $page . "/sortby/name/";

This way I can always use segment 3 no matter how long the string is.

Messages In This Thread
How can I use pagination without knowing the page segment - by El Forum - 09-15-2009, 09:48 PM

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