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Easy country drop-down using a form helper extension - ISO 3166

[eluser]Watermark Studios[/eluser]
I had a difficult time finding an up-to-date array of ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes, so I created my own array and a helper function. There is a better place to store the array than in the helper, like in the application/config/config.php file, but I thought it would be easier to follow by just looking at the code below.

I wanted an array to be passed as a parameter that directs the helper to customize the first few options. Most companies only operate in a few countries, but they want all countries to be available. So I created the below helper extension.

Just create a file in application/helpers called MY_form_helper.php

You can load the helper like you would normally load a helper in a controller
and call the function in a view
<?php echo country_dropdown(); ?>
The first parameter in the function is the name of the selection element and the second is an array of the countries in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements. For example
<?php echo country_dropdown('country',
would return a list of all countries in the ISO 3166 list with the 10 countries in the array at the top of the list.

Below is the function for MY_form_helper.php
function country_dropdown($name="country", $top_countries=array()){
  $countries = array(
// list of countries continues until Zimbabwe
  $html = "<select name='{$name}'>";
    foreach($top_countries as $value){
      if(array_key_exists($value, $countries)){
        $html .= "<option value='{$value}'>{$countries[$value]}</option>";
    $html .= "<option>----------</option>";
  foreach($countries as $key => $country){
    $html .= "<option value='{$key}'>{$country}</option>";
  $html .= "</select>";
  return $html;

I hope someone can benefit from this...it's such a common requirement, and I'm sure there are posts in this forum somewhere, but I had a difficult time finding them.

Messages In This Thread
Easy country drop-down using a form helper extension - ISO 3166 - by El Forum - 01-15-2010, 11:53 PM

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