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Passing Results from SQL to Google Maps API in CodeIgniter

Here's what I've done: (I use the jmaps plugin for jquery FYI)

In my template view I have code like this in the head of the document: (inside my script tag)

<?php if ( $map_display == 'city' || $map_display == 'property') : ?>                            
    var url = '/map/coordinates.php';
    $.get(url, {'address': '<?=$address?>', 'key': '<?=$this->config->item('google_map_key')?>'}, function(data) {
            var json = eval("(" + data + ")");
            if (json.coordinates.lat != 0) {
                    $('#map').jmap({ center: [json.coordinates.lat, json.coordinates.lng], zoom: <?=$zoom_lvl?> });
<?php else : ?>                
    var url = '/map/coordinates.php';
    var key = '<?=$this->config->item('google_map_key')?>';
    $('#map').jmap({ zoom: <?=$zoom_lvl?> });                    
<?php endif; ?>

The code that the url variable refers to is: (this is where the geocaching is done)

// this is a very unelegant method of getting map markers
// but it works for the moment - until more than 10000 happen in one day

header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
header('Pragma: no-cache');

// build the google url to ping for coordinates
$address = str_replace(' ', '+', $_GET['address']);
$key = $_GET['key'];
$url="http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=" . str_replace(" ", "+", $address) . "&output=csv&key;=" . $key;
// send the request
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$remote_content = curl_exec($curl);
curl_close ($curl);
// scrape the returned csv
$coordinates = split(',', $remote_content);
$lat = $coordinates[2];
$lng = $coordinates[3];
// return some json
$data = '
            "lat": "' . $lat . '",
            "lng": "' . $lng . '",
            "address": "' . str_replace('+', ' ', $address) . '"
echo $data;


As you can see this is just a basic PHP file, not a controller or anything. This is also an old solution, but it works well. If you're gather the same addresses repeatedly it'd be a good idea to database the coordinates to save your google requests from being too numerous.

Hope this helps!

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Passing Results from SQL to Google Maps API in CodeIgniter - by El Forum - 05-25-2010, 08:21 AM

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