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Seeking a CI + Node.js developer outside North America

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Soumen from Kolkata, India. I am a B.Tech in Information Technology and with 4+ years of experiecne in CI. I also have working experiecne in Front End and Back end web development with hands on experience in multiple Mapping API, JavaScript, JQuery. I have gone through your requirement and your out of the normal fashion working challenge have exited me.

Please find the below url links to see some of the websites I worked on:


I love to do projects which are not bound by same old work pattern and I have a habbit to look for minute details in each and every solution.It would be my pleasure if I get the opportunity to work with you and I am looking forward for the interview session with you.

Looking forward to hear from you.



email: [email protected]
skype: soumen.swebz

Messages In This Thread
RE: Seeking a CI + Node.js developer outside North America - by soumen2014 - 11-27-2014, 05:44 AM
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