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DB Active Record: where / or_where return different result

There are other member which request POST feature at my proxy library, since for now it just support GET. But i'm really out of time for these months, and that extra feature should wait until i have some free time.

But related with your problem with gateway, i'm sure there are some workaround for it, with cURL. Digging around at curl.haxx.se, and you should able to find a solution for your (specific) problem. If you cant achieve something with cURL, then you're out of luck, since cURL is the most fancy stuff for to connect and communicate to many different types of servers with many different types of protocols, in PHP.

If likened to the building, my lib is like a house, while the cURL is a 20th floor building. I create that library, just for portability and simplicity reasons (means, it is for someone who doesnt have curl extension installed). Beyond that, in fact nothing could be achieved with my Proxy Library, if that person cant achieve with cURL. Because, in the bottom of all both building, they have same fondation.

It's just that, the proxy library could be an alternative for people who like portability, simplicity and some kind of "primitiveness" attraction on their code ;-)

Messages In This Thread
DB Active Record: where / or_where return different result - by El Forum - 06-02-2011, 03:41 AM

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