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Modular Separation + Multiple Applications + FreakAuth Is it possible?

[eluser]Jarek Bolo[/eluser]

I'm at the beginning of new quite a large project (never wrote such a big one).
After gathering some information, talking with the client, I found I will have to use all mentioned in topic "architecture patterns" (if I can say so).

I would like my application to have structure like this:
|-- CodeIgniter_x.x.x
|   `-- system
|-- application
|   |-- admin
|   |   `-- modules
|   |       |-- news
|   |       |   |-- controllers
|   |       |   |-- libraries
|   |       |   |-- models
|   |       |   `-- views
|   |       |-- users
|   |       |   |-- controllers
|   |       |   |-- libraries
|   |       |   |-- models
|   |       |   `-- views
|   |       `-- z_other
|   |           |-- controllers
|   |           |-- libraries
|   |           |-- models
|   |           `-- views
|   `-- frontend
|       `-- modules
|           |-- news
|           |   |-- controllers
|           |   |-- libraries
|           |   |-- models
|           |   `-- views
|           |-- users
|           |   |-- controllers
|           |   |-- libraries
|           |   |-- models
|           |   `-- views
|           `-- z_other
|               |-- controllers
|               |-- libraries
|               |-- models
|               `-- views
`-- webroot
    |-- admin.php      <-- this index for admin app
    `-- index.php      <-- this index for frontend app

And inject FreakAuth libraries into it.

Will it be possible to do this only by following instructions on the wiki page and this forum for mentioned architecture patterns and libraries.
Or I will have to hack CI quite much??

Jarek Bolo

On the other hand, I could use only Multiple Applications method and then stick to well thought naming convention for view,models and controller, i.e. admin_view_something.php, admin_model.php, user_view_something.php, etc.
But the structure above is much more intuitive and better to maintain.

Messages In This Thread
Modular Separation + Multiple Applications + FreakAuth Is it possible? - by El Forum - 11-21-2007, 05:17 AM

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