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Passing 2 Variables to your view error

I googled how to pass 2 variables to your view file and someone told me to make an assoc array and include the variables inside of the array and pass the assoc array to the view. But i'm getting an error, Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong?

Here is my controller :


class Site extends CI_Controller
    function __construct()
    function index()
        $pageInfo = array(
            'main_content' => 'home_view',
            'document_title' => 'Home'
        if($query = $this->site_model->getRecords())
            $dbData['records'] = $query;
        $data = array(
            'pageInfo' => $pageInfo,
            'dbData' => $dbData
        $this->load->view('includes/template', $data);


The includes/template view file is just:






This worked before I had the assoc array passing both the varibles.

and this is the part of the view file that is loaded as the main_content at the moment:

        &lt;?php if(isset($records)) : foreach($records as $row): ?&gt;
        &lt;?=echo $row->title;?&gt;
        <h6>Posted on <strong>&lt;?=echo $row->date;?&gt;</strong> at <strong>&lt;?=echo $row->time;?&gt;</strong> | 10 Comments</h6>
        <p>&lt;?=echo $row->body;?&gt;</p>


This is only a snippet of the main content as the rest of the file is pointless.

The error i'm getting from my browser is:


Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined variable: main_content

Filename: includes/template.php

Line Number: 5

I don't understand what is wrong!! Can someone help Tongue

Messages In This Thread
Passing 2 Variables to your view error - by El Forum - 07-25-2011, 06:58 PM
Passing 2 Variables to your view error - by El Forum - 07-25-2011, 10:04 PM
Passing 2 Variables to your view error - by El Forum - 07-25-2011, 10:13 PM

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