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Codeigniter and Facebook SDK

I'm creating an auth library that will also have login and register with Facebook.

The first time the user login with facebook, he will be redirect to register page, to fill a password, after that, he will always login automatically.

And register will be exactly like the first login.

I download the 3 files inside the folder "src" from the facebook/php-sdk project (https://github.com/facebook/php-sdk) and put it inside application/library, renamed the facebook.php to facebook_lib.php and so changed the class name.

Here's my the facebook part from my custom auth config:
$config['facebook']['active'] = TRUE;
$config['facebook']['config']['appId'] = 'myappidhere';
$config['facebook']['config']['secret'] = 'mysecrethere';
$config['facebook']['config']['fileUpload'] = TRUE;

and from my custom auth library:
  * hold all config from facebook
  * @var array
public $facebook = array();

  * __construct
  * @return void
public function __construct()
  $this->CI =& get_instance();
  $this->CI->load->config('auth', TRUE);
  $this->facebook = $this->CI->config->item('facebook', 'auth');
  if ($this->facebook['active'] === TRUE)
   $this->CI->load->library('facebook_lib', $this->facebook['config']);
   $user = $this->CI->facebook_lib->getUser();
   $profile = NULL;
     $profile = $this->facebook_lib->api('/me?fields=id,name,link,email');
    catch (FacebookApiException $e)
     $user = NULL;
   $facebook_data = array(
         'id' => $user,
         'login_url' => $this->CI->facebook_lib->getLoginUrl(array(
           'scope' => 'email,user_birthday,publish_stream',
           'redirect_uri' => $this->site['domain']

But it's not working. The session "id" output "0" even if I'm already logged in facebook and the "login_url" output "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=360599007314576&redirect_uri=pegaoupassa.com&state=855d833be1c137bf347efd340ccd09e1&scope=email,user_birthday,publish_stream" that give's error when accessing. What am I doing wrong?

Another thing, would you guys recommend I change any other thing?


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Codeigniter and Facebook SDK - by El Forum - 04-03-2012, 04:59 PM

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