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Display data from SQL in view using one-to-many relations

Good evening all,

I have a very weird question... I was wondering how you handle ONE to MANY relations using codeigniter ? Lets say I have a table called "news" and a table called "news-tags" (where news-tags contains random tags connected to a newspost) and i would like to show both the news content and its tag inside the same div...

Getting a list of all news records works fine, but i cant find the way to get my related records from the "news-tag" db

Since i'm developing in .NET mostly, i was thinking about using objects like an object news, with a property of type "array of news-tag"... But my guess is this is done different in php + ci ?

Basicly what I would do is: Get a list of all news items, for each returned items get a list of all news-tags records and store them in a "property" named "newsTags"... But i need to find a way to return this to my view...

What i need is something so i can access them using two foreach in the view:

- for each to display each news item
- inside this foreach we use another foreach to display all the news tag.

That last part is the part I can not get working. I would like to be able to do something like this:
{foreach item=newsitem in $newsitems}
{foreach item=tag in $newsitem->newsTags}
But the problem is, there is no "newsTags" collection property...

Hope my problem is understandable Tongue


I've had some chat on the IRC about this issue and have tried seveal things..
On of this was using a join... But this resulted in what i expected:

Because news-tags can contain multiple records with the same newsId (one to many), this join will return the same record multiple times:

Example: My news1 has 5 tags( this means 5 related records in news-tag) and my news2 has 3 tags (this means 3 related records in news-tag).

If i do this query: select * from news n, news-tag nt WHERE nt.newsId=n.id

this will return 8 records, 5 times the same "news1" data with 5 times a different "news-tag" for this news... and 3 times the same "news2" data with 3 different "news-tag" for this news...

Now i would like to show boths news (news1 and news2) data only once in my view, but i also want to show the 5 tags below news1 and the 3 tags below news2...

Any idea how to get this working?

Messages In This Thread
Display data from SQL in view using one-to-many relations - by El Forum - 04-21-2012, 11:11 AM

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