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Can't understand basic concepts - probably just as thick as mince.

Please forgive me, I am a total newbie to web development, I'm old and it's difficult to teach an old dog new tricks! :-) I was brought up on BASIC on the old chicklet keyboard Commodore Pet, for those of you old enough to remember that classic!

To my point:

I understand CI and the MVC concept to a certain degree.

However, I can't get my head round how CI handles site navigation using MVC.

I create a controller which pulls data from a model and passes it to a View. The controller presents the view to the user. Voila. Web page with data.

But how do I interact with the view? Or rather, how does the view feedback interaction and/or data back to the controller?

I can't even figure out how to do something as simple as clicking on links in a view for example!

I presume that you can't call views from views, since everything should route through the controller, so somehow you must be able to feed back to the controller which link was pressed and then allow the controller to call the relevant view?

How do you get a menu system to work in this system?

Any help would be much appreciated - once I've got the concepts, I think I will be fine with this. Even though it looks like it may not be supported much more, and everyone seems to be banging on about newer frameworks, I'd like to get my head round this.

The code I've written works very nicely, but it's just simple presentation stuff from a database at the moment. I've no real idea how to do navigation.



Messages In This Thread
Can't understand basic concepts - probably just as thick as mince. - by El Forum - 07-31-2013, 03:58 AM

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