Hello everyone,
I am using memcached in CI and I have saved user information in cache with keys as user_1, user_2, and so on.
While reading them back from cache, I am using iteration as follows -
for ($i = 1, $i <= 10; $i++) {
$UserData = $this->cache->memcached->get("user_" . $i);
//And then process $UserData
But when I checked the performance, I found that it takes time due to reading the cached value in iterations.
I want to know if there is any way where I can get all cached values at once by supplying array of keys.. something like following -
for ($i = 1, $i <= 10; $i++) {
$userIDArray[] = "user_" . $i;
$UserData = $this->cache->memcached->get($userIDArray);