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Handing errors in my code using Exceptions

(09-21-2015, 03:55 PM)includebeer Wrote: I never understand the purpose of "finally". From php.net : "Code within the finally block will always be executed after the try and catch blocks, regardless of whether an exception has been thrown, and before normal execution resumes." If it's always executed, why not just put the code after the try/catch? What difference does it make if the code is in the finally clause instead of after the try/catch?

If the exception isn't caught, none of the code after the try/catch block is likely to be executed, but the code in a finally block will be executed. If the exception is caught, but the catch block prevents the code after the try/catch from being executed (by throwing another exception or returning, for example), the finally block will still be executed (unless you use exit/die in the try/catch block).

Most of the "standard" examples for this are less useful with decent garbage collection, but there are still plenty of cases in which you want to free up any resources used inside the try block which will no longer be needed, regardless of whether the code was executed successfully or threw an exception.

If the finally block uses a return or similar statement, it can essentially suppress an exception thrown in the try/catch blocks, which is certainly something that can't be done by code after the try/catch blocks.

The benefits are somewhat limited by the fact that finally blocks aren't executed if you use exit/die, but I tend to avoid using those anyway.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Handing errors in my code using Exceptions - by mwhitney - 09-22-2015, 07:34 AM

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