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Need Help Creating Registration/Login Form

(02-09-2016, 06:38 AM)Diederik Wrote: Your database structure suggests that you are planning of storing the passwords (or a simple hash) in your database. If you have little or no experience in creating a secure login functionality then I would suggest using an existing auth library from people who have such experience.

Some popular ones out there are:
Ion Auth
Community Auth

That's a good point, but the OP describes himself as a "total CI noob," so what he's working on is probably not going into production. He's just learning.
Hey, don't work without a PHP debugger. Several free IDEs have this features built in. Two are NetBeans and CodeLobster. Without a debugger, it's like you're driving with a blindfold on -- you are going to crash!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Need Help Creating Registration/Login Form - by RobertSF - 02-09-2016, 09:50 AM

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